Page 68 - Hikma - Oncology booklet
P. 68

Dosage adjustments recommendations

       Peripheral Neuropathy
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                                      Grade 3 or persistent Grade 2 :

                                      Interrupt Vinracine

       Liver Functions

                                      Serum bilirubin ≥ 3 mg/100 mL :

                                      Reduce dose by 50%

                       Side effects

                                                               Edema, hyper and
         Cardiovascular                                 01
                                                               hypotension, MI, CHD.

       Coma, paralysis, neuralgia,
                                                   02                             CNS
       dizziness,  tendon reflex.

        Dermatological                                  03       Alopecia and skin rashes.

       Hyperuricemia, weight loss,                                           Endocrine and
       or uric acid nephropathy.                                                 metabolic

                                                                cramps, constipation,
             GIT system                                 05
                                                                nausea, vomiting.

           Bladder dysfunction,

       urinary retention, dysuria.                 06                        Genitourinary
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